Barbershop harmony society
The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America (aka SPEBSQSA) was founded in 1938 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. SPEBSQSA remains the legal name of the Society even today. SPEBSQSA adopted the name Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS). This was done to make it easier for people to quickly and easily understand what the Society represents.
Tidelanders Founding
Eight years after SPEBSQSA’s founding, W.H. Anderson, who had belonged to Tulsa’s original chapter, was transferred to Houston. W.H. Anderson, with O.C. Cash’s help, decided to start a chapter here. The date of our official founding SPEBSQSA (aka BHS) charter was November 11, 1946. You can read about our origin story if you are interested.
The Houston Tidelanders are an all-men’s singing ensemble group located in Bellaire, TX. We sing at events and performances throughout the City of Houston and the surrounding area. The Tidelanders are involved in multiple BHS programs including Youth In Harmony. Read more about us.
What the BHS Does
The BHS champions the barbershop singing hobby in adults and youth regardless of gender. The Society sponsors chapters designed to provide a gathering of like-minded individuals so that they can harmonize together. Programs include Youth in Harmony, Quartet Competitions, Chorus Competitions, Harmony Brigades, and Harmony University. The BHS focuses specifically on the barbershop style of music.

What BHS Membership Means
Dues provide a financial means for BHS to operate programs. They also are a primary means of supporting the member’s chapters.
BHS Districts
The BHS has divided North America into 17 Districts. The BHS sponsors District wide as well as International Singing Competitions. The Tidelanders are part of the Southwestern District (SWD).

SWD District
Our chapter is part of the Southwestern District (SWD). The SWD is a five-state district that includes representation from 35+ cities. We regularly participate in sponsored chorus singing competitions. Sometimes our quartets compete too!