First United Methodist Church of Missouri City (aka “FUMCMC”) was founded in 1963. Those 87 original members grew a vibrant, growing ministry at our first location on Present Street. The first service in the sanctuary at that initial location was Easter in 1966. Over time, the congregation outgrew the capacity of that particular location. The church relocated to the corner of Lexington and FM 1092 in 1996. The vision for the church grew out of a desire to meet the needs of a growing, changing community, and that continues to be the heartbeat of First United Methodist Church, even today. Currently, over 700 people call FUMCMC their church home.
FUMCMC is part of the United Methodist Church, a global denomination with more than 11 million members worldwide.
We believe:
We celebrate two sacraments at First UMC Missouri City: baptism and communion. Sacraments are an outward and visible sign of God’s inward and spiritual grace, where the intangible reality of God’s grace touches our lives in tangible ways. We baptize both infants and adults, and because baptism is a sign of God’s inclusion in the family of God, we only baptize an individual one time. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of every month and all are welcome at the table.
As a United Methodist Church, we are a part of the Texas Annual Conference, a regional gathering of United Methodist congregations.