join our circle of friends
2025 Circle of Friends
Platinum — $1,500+
Clark and Adrienne Beane
Bill Calvert
Michael and Sophie Chou
Pete and Annette Hasbrook
Allan and Jean Quiat
Jen Wang
Gold — $800-$1,499
Bill McIntire
Bob Reckers
Silver — $400-$799
Richard Chuska
James Gilpin
Hub and Pamela Tett
Gerald Trudeau
Ed Wick
Bronze — $100-$399
Li Min Chang
Jeff Jones
KC and Elizabeth Lunden
Steve Hansen
George Kuebler
Howard Rhoades
About Our Circle of Friends
We greatly appreciate the financial support of our closest circle of friends. Our Circle of Friends contributions help us achieve our financial goals and allow us to continue to pursue our mission and vision.
Our mission is to provide the highest quality singing in the Barbershop style and contribute to the community and schools by sharing the love of music and encouraging life-long singing. Our Vision is Harmony Across Houston.
The annual Circle of Friends membership runs from January 1 – December 31 and the recognitions are available the following calendar year. Please contribute each year to maintain membership status. You can join us by making an annual tax-deductible gift(s) at one of our sponsorship levels.
Sponsorship Levels
Complementary Singing Valentine up to $75 value, two complimentary seats to a show of your choice, and listing in the Circle of Friends Platinum level on show programs and on our website.
$800 - $1,499
Two complementary seats to a show of your choice and listing in the Circle of Friends Gold level on show programs and on our website.
$400 - $799
A 15% discount on Houston Tidelanders merchandise on a purchase of up to $120 and listing in the Circle of Friends Silver level on show programs and on our website.
$100 - $399
Your name will be listed in the Circle of Friends Bronze level on show programs and on our website.