Why sing with us
If you love to sing, we do too! Come hang out with us!
We rehearse on Monday nights and are looking for new singers. If you love to sing and would enjoy learning new music, you’re welcome to come join us. Even though we aren’t a Houston choir (we’re a barbershop chorus), you can do what you love – sing!

Voice Talent
We love harmony and we are always looking to add fresh and talented members to our chorus. It’s all about the harmonies! If you want to learn warm ups, chord progressions, music theory, and new songs, we work on these skills and more on Monday nights. Guests are always welcome. We also host rehearsals that are specifically designed to welcome guests to our Guest Nights!
Aspire to learn how to sing but don’t know how to start? We can help you. We can teach you the basics and start you on your path to learning how to sing. Once you start, you’ll notice that you improve over time. We can give you opportunities to get real, practical singing experience. You can also get advice from experienced singers and section leaders. If you’re looking to become a singer, give our chorus members a chance.

We are a technical chorus with years of experience in choral and barbershop singing. Our Director, Patrick McAlexander and our talented music leadership team improve our chorus with their experienced ears and talents. We even have members that arrange barbershop music! If you want to “next level” elevate your singing abilities, we’re your chorus!
Come meet our friendly and welcoming singers!