Patrick McAlexander, Music Director
The Musical Director is a highly qualified music professional with the responsibilities of constructing and directing all rehearsals and public performances. He (or she) also participates in the development of the musical program, contest and performance song selection, and many other Chapter functions.

The Houston Tidelanders Chorus is excited to have Patrick McAlexander as our Musical Director!
Patrick is a lifelong barbershopper, growing up around barbershop and joining Circle City Sound chorus in Indianapolis at age 7. Since then, he has served as a section leader and assistant director in several choruses, including the Music City Chorus, with whom he won the BHS International Championship in 2022.
Patrick is also an experienced quartet singer, with a District Championship, two Next Generation Quartet Contest Medals, and five appearances in the International Quartet Contest.
He is a BHS Music Judge and a prolific arranger of barbershop music, having arranged for some of the best women's, men's, and mixed barbershop ensembles in the world. Patrick is a current and active member of Space City Sound Chorus and sings tenor in Panda Ring Quartet.
Mr. McAlexander lives in Houston with his wife, Sarah, and he is very excited to add the Tidelanders to his Houston family!
Patrick holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics with minors in both Computer Science and Music from Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN).

Brandon Falknor, Music and Performance Chairman
With the Board’s approval and in coordination with the Musical Director, the Music & Performance Chairman is responsible for developing and serving as Chairman of a Music Leadership Team, also known as the Music Committee, and directing them in planning and conducting the total musical program of the Chapter.

Allan Quiat, Music and Performance Past Chairman
The Musical and Performance Past Chairman assists the current Chairman with the management of the Music Leadership Team - providing direction and guidance regarding his view of song selections and the technical aspects of vocal performance.

Clarke Bean, Music Team At-Large
At-Large Members of the Music Team assist with reviewing the quality of Tidelander rehearsals. They work with the rest of the music team and the Music Director to ensure the Tidelanders are performance ready.

Alex Latham, Music Team At-Large
At-Large Members of the Music Team assist with reviewing the quality of Tidelander rehearsals. They work with the rest of the music team and the Music Director to ensure the Tidelanders are performance ready.
Section Leaders
The Section Leaders function as an extension of the Musical Director in carrying out his musical goals and objectives. They are appointed by the Music and Performance Chairman on the recommendation of the Musical Director, and report to the Musical Director.
Section Leaders ensure that all Performing Chorus members in their sections are maintaining an adequate level of performance. They conduct section rehearsals as requested by the Musical Director or whenever the Section Leader determines such rehearsals would benefit his section. Section Leaders assist members in their section to become part of the Performing Chorus by certifying that all the notes and lyrics are being sung correctly for each song in the published repertoire.

Allan Quiat, Tenor Section Leader
Responsible for the quality performance of all Tenor performers in his section. Allan provides insight into the quality of singing and vocal performances during rehearsals.

Brandon Falknor, Lead Section Leader
Responsible for the quality performance of all Lead singers. Brandon also sometimes runs Tags before and/or after rehearsals.

Bill McIntire, Bari Section Leader
Responsible for the quality performance of all Baritone singers. In addition to this responsibility, Bill records the Houston Tidelanders rehearsals, assists in the modification of various singing tracks, and provides recommendations and insight into various technical and vocal improvements in all sections.

Hub Tett, Bass Section Leader
Responsible for the technical, musical, and performance qualities of the singers in the Bass section.