Board of Directors
Board Composition
Our Board of Directors consists of the Executive Committee (President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President) plus, at least five Board Members-at-Large. The Executive Committee is nominated and elected by the Chapter members.
Members-at-Large are expected to serve as Chairmen for specific Chapter functions. The functions include Music and Performance, Chapter Development, Community Outreach, Marketing & Public Relations, Show Development, Chorus Manager, and Show Chair.
Our professional Director leads our Musical Team. The Music Director is an ex officio member of the board with a voice, but no vote. The Music Team makes song selections, reviews rehearsals and performances, and recommends various training opportunities.
Executive Committee

Steve Coon, President
The President is our chief executive officer of the Houston Tidelanders chapter and performance chorus. He is responsible for heading the leadership team, planning, and presiding over all Board meetings.

Paul Rowe, Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President is the member who served as President during the preceding year. If he is unable to serve for any reason, the office will be filled by the most recent and active former President.

Raleigh Cockerill, Treasurer
The Treasurer maintains accurate, complete, and understandable financial records for the Chapter. He shall manage all financial transactions and any investments of Chapter funds authorized by the Board.

John Watkins, Secretary
The Secretary keeps all of the official documents and meeting minutes for the Chapter. The secretary helps register the Tidelanders for contests, secures performance licenses where applicable.
Board Members At Large
Joshua Connelly
Ron Day
John Devine
Brandon Falknor
David Friefeld
Larry Giles
Pete Hasbrook
Duane Ullman
Board Members are elected as Members At Large and are encouraged, but not required, to serve as Chair for, at least, one standing committee.
Committee Chairs

Brandon Falknor
Music and Performance
The Music and Performance chair leads the Music Team and has the overall responsibility for coordinating song selection and activities related to the technical performance capabilities of the Tidelanders.

Dave Friefeld
Community Outreach
The Community Outreach chair is responsible for coordinating activities to foster goodwill with our community, leads fundraising efforts including grant submissions, and runs our Youth in Harmony programs.

Larry Giles
Chorus Manager
The Chorus Manager is responsible for all convention and performance arrangements.

Ron Day
Membership & Chapter Development
The Membership & Chapter Development chair is responsible for all aspects of new member recruiting, member attendance, and retention.

Duane Ullman
Marketing and Public Relations
The Marketing and PR chair is responsible for all marketing activities including the website, marketing communications, promoting the Chorus and Quartets, and merchandise sales.

Joshua Connelly
Show Production Chair
The Show Production Chair is responsible for producing and running our shows and the show committee.

Pete Hasbrook
Show Development Chair
The Show Development Chair is responsible for finding new, appropriate change performance venues and negotiating terms of those performances.