Quartet History
We've had men singing in Quartets almost from day one! Yes, that's 1946. We've continued that tradition throughout the years with many of our Quartets competing in either District or International competitions. In fact, INNSIDERS brought Gold to Houston in 1976.
Barbershop Quartets for Hire
We currently have 3 Quartets qualified to perform on behalf of the Tidelanders. Each of the three are well established, high quality Quartets with members that have been singing a cappella Barbershop music for years.
S.L.E.D. quartet is an accomplished a cappella quartet that specializes in entertaining audiences around Houston. The ensemble comprises experienced members of Space City Sound, Statesmen Chorus. All of the members of S.L.E.D. are also Houston Tidelanders. S.L.E.D. They met singing Barbershop and continue to enjoy the journey together.
They perform at all types of events and are always expanding their repertoire. While they love to sing Barbershop harmonies, you may find they venture into other types of a cappella music. They perform lots of familiar tunes from days gone by as well as more recent songs. You might even hear a doo-wop or two.
As you can imagine, they receive many questions about the meaning of their name. They will explain during their performance. We invite you to have a great time enjoying the harmonies of S.L.E.D. quartet!
Members (L to R):
Clarke Bean, Baritone
Randy Rensi, Bass
Fred Welsh, Lead
Allan Quiat, Tenor

There are four Tidelanders in Lakeside quartet. Primarily a quartet that performs and sings during our Singing Valentines event each February.
Members (L to R):
Mark Smith, Tenor
Brandon Falknor, Lead
Paul Rowe, Bass
Pete Hasbrook, Baritone

For many years Ringside entertained Tidelanders and other audiences with comedy sets and darn good sangin’. After a several year hiatus, they have a new baritone, and they’re back in the ring!
Members (L to R):
Mark Smith, Tenor
Brent Hairston, Lead
Rick Yarto, Bass
Pete Hasbrook, Baritone

(Not available for hire in Houston)
There are two Houston Tidelanders that sing in the competition quartet Brigadooms. The Brigadooms are a fun long distance quartet, with members in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Texas. They have placed in the Pioneer District championships twice. They recently performed at the Land O’ Lakes District contest October 14-15, 2021 where they placed 4th in men’s and 5th overall by score. They earned a couple of 72’s – a significant accomplishment!
Members (L to R):
Joe Guerreri, Tenor
Randy Rogers, Lead
David Morris, Bass (T)
Pete Hasbrook, Baritone (T)
T = Tidelander

The Inversion
The Inversion is a quartet composing four good friends (and two brothers) of which, one is a Tidelander. They named themselves the Inversion because they don’t sing the same parts as they did when they formed!
This quartet is not hire able through the Tidelanders at the moment.
Brandon Falkner, Tenor (Tidelander)
Justin Pollio, Lead
Zach Hoover, Baritone
Travis Falknor, Bass